Iodine & the Thyroid: The conection

The thyroid is a large endocrine gland of the body that produces the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body.

To make thyroid hormone, the body requires a regular supply of iodine which comes from sea salt. Pregnant women especially need to include adequate amounts of iodine in their diet as the thyroid hormones it makes are sorely needed for the growth and development of the fetus.

A recent SMH report says that two out of three pregnant women are iodine-deficient. This means that the next generation is at risk of impaired motor function, lower IQs and stunted growth.

Professor Creswell Eastman, chairman of the Australian Centre for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders states that "Iodine is as important to an unborn baby as folate and is readily available via iodised salt or a daily iodine supplement."
Iodine & the Thyroid: The conection Iodine & the Thyroid: The conection Reviewed by Armando Nevarez on June 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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