What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Long-term tiredness affects everyday life. But if you are tired and sick all the times no matter how much rest you take , you might suffer chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

CFS is a complicated disorder . It is characterized by extreme fatigue that does not improve with sleep or rest. There are many theories about what causes this condition, ranging from viral infections to psychological stress, however, in most cases the cause is still unidentified.

CFS was not widely accepted as a real medical condition for several years. CfS patients used to be considered hypochondriac. However, today doctors and researchers agree that this chronic condition should be taken seriously.

The main symptom of CFS is severe fatigue following mental or physical activity. This does not go away with sleep or rest, and limits usual activities. Fatigue is a common symptom in many illnesses, but CFS is a multi-systemic disease. Some people describe it as overwhelming: It is a different type of tiredness from what has been experienced before. After sleeping the person does not feel refreshed. It is not due to exhaustion.It is not related to a loss of motivation, which people with depression often experience.

Exercising can make symptoms worse. This is called post-exertional malaise. The effect is sometimes delayed. The resulting fatigue may develop a few hours afterwards, or even the next day after exercising.

How To Diagnose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

CFS is not diagnosed in people who simply feel tired all the time. There are other symptoms that help to confirm the diagnosis

1-Other illnesses must first be excluded.Blood tests and scans may be performed to rule out other conditions, such as anemia, an under active thyroid gland or liver and kidney problems.

2- The patient must have persistent incapacitating weakness or fatigue for six months or longer duration with other known medical conditions excluded by clinical diagnosis.

3- The patient must concurrently have four or more of the following symptoms:

  • -Substantial impairment in short-term memory or concentration
  • -Sore throat
  • -Tender lymph nodes
  • -Muscle pain
  • -Multi-joint pain without swelling or redness
  • -Headaches of a new type, pattern or severity
  • -Unrefreshing sleep
  • -Post-exertional malaise (deep fatigue -and exhaustion following physical exertion) lasting more than 24 hours

There is no cure for CFS. Treatment tends to focus on easing the symptoms. Many people recover from chronic fatigue syndrome over time.

What are the causes of chronic fatigue syndrome?

Of all chronic illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome is one of the most unexplained. Several possible causes have been proposed, including:

  • A low blood pressure disorder that triggers the fainting reflex
  • A viral infection complicated by a dysfunctional immune response
  • An autoimmune process causing inflammation of certain nervous-system pathways
  • Changes in the levels of hormones produced in the hypothalamus,pituitary glands or adrenal glands
  • Dysfunction in the immune system
  • History of allergies
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
  • Mild, chronic low blood pressure (hypotension)
  • Virus infection, such as Epstein-Barr virus or human herpes virus 6

What is the treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome?

  • Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). This therapy is followed with a mental health providers. It is often used in combination with graduated exercise, also has been found to improve the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Graded exercise therapy (GET). This a structured activity management program that aims for a gradual increase in aerobic exercise, such as swimming or walking. Research has proved that gradually increasing exercise can improve the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Moderating daily activity. Slowing down and to avoiding excessive physical and psychological stress. However, too much rest can make the patient weaker, worsening long-term symptoms. A moderate level of daily activity should be maintained to gently increase stamina over time.
  • Treating existing pain. Acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) may be helpful to reduce pain and fever.
  • Changing sleeping habits in order to get restorative nighttime sleep. Techniques include maintaining a regular bedtime, skipping daytime naps, and avoiding substances such as caffeine and alcohol. If there is no improvement, a short course of sleep medication may be prescribed. Getting sufficient sleep is essential.

Self-help techniques:

  • Less stressful situations
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, sugar and sweeteners
  • Avoid any other food and drinks that you are sensitive to eat small, regular meals
  • take some time relaxing.
  • Being aware of how energy levels change, and resting or being active accordingly.

Home remedies

Ribose: D-ribose, this form of sugar is an essential energy source for cells. Scientists believe that impaired cellular metabolism (a type of disorder in the way cells function) may play a role in chronic fatigue syndrome. Findings indicate that natural D-ribose supplements may significantly improve energy and decrease pain associated with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Deep-breathing and muscle-relaxation techniques
Stretching, yoga and tai chi

Be aware of dietary supplements and herbal remedies which claimed to have potential benefits for people with CFS. However, in most cases the effectiveness of these therapies has not been proved in controlled studies.

A product may be of "natural" origin, but that origin does not ensure its safety. Dietary supplements and herbal preparations can have potentially harmful side effects. In addition, they may dangerously interfere or interact with prescription medications

At the end maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids, limiting caffeine intake, stop smoking, getting adequate rest, and exercising regularly. Find a hobby or career that is enjoyable and fulfilling is the best way to deal with life and stay healthy
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Reviewed by Armando Nevarez on June 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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