What are first aid solutions to treat skin burns at home?

Although kin burns are are not uncommon home accident, lots of people do not know what are the first aid to be applied before reaching to the hospital and even there are many people who actually do not know when to deal skin burns effectively at home or when to seek additional medical attention...

Before you can decide the suitable home aid and remedy for skin burns, you need to find out the source of the the burn and its severity. Then you can resolve the best way to proceed.

Different APPROACHES for Different BURNS

You can get burned by several distinct causes, the most widespread of which are hot fluids, hot objects , chemicals, vapor, electrical power, the sun, and fire. Each has its own way to treat that it will mentioned later in th article.

After you’ve recognized the source,you need to work out how critical the burn is .

A first degree burn

This is the least serious .In general, if a first-degree burn does not cover a major portion of your body, it can be treated at home. Your skin will likely be reddened and painful. It can also be swollen and pain sometimes present. The outer layer of skin hasn't been burned through.

Second degree burns

In this type of burn, your skin will be very PAINFUL and red with a spotted or splotchy appearance, and you will probably have blisters in the area of the burn.

If the second degree burn localized and small burn - no more than a than 3 inches (7.5 centimeters) in diameter you can to treat it effectively at home. A larger burn than this, or if it is occurred on th face, hands, feet, groin, buttocks, or a major joint, it is best to go to your doctor or local hospital for professional help immediately.

Third degree burns

This involves all layers of your skin, and perhaps structures that are under your skin as well. The affected area may (The burn site) appears white or charred black. Most of the times there is no sensation in the area, because the nerve has been damaged by the burn.
All third degree burns require immediate emergency medical care.

For minor burns

  • The first step that you should take to treat a minor burn at home is to cool the burn. Hold it under cold, running water for 10 to 15 minutes,or or until the pain subsides. If the cold running cold water not not accessible, immerse the cold water or cover it with cold compresses. Please never put ice directly against the burn; direct contact with ice can cause more damage.
  • If burn has cooled via cold water or cold compressor , Cover it with a sterile gauze bandage. Apply the gauze loosely to avoid putting pressure on burned skin.This keeps air off the burned skin, reduces pain and protects blistered skin.Don't use fluffy cotton, which may irritate the skin or get stuck their and can cause an infection.
  • If needed, you can use an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen or ibuprofen until the pain is tolerable.
  • Toothpaste in theory has a very high capacity for drawing out heat, and it seams that it does not have complication as long as it is applied without poking at the damaged area or you are allergic to it.It need to be applied within a couple of minutes of the incident.After 30 minutes, this method probably would not do much. Consult your medical professional at that time.
  • Be sure not to break the blisters if they do form, as it is also can lead to infections.
  • do not want to apply any type of butter to or anything oil base such as ointment to the burn since it will entrap heat in the injured tissues, which can potentially cause more damage and increase your chance of developing an infection and delay healing.
  • If infection develops, seek medical help.
  • Avoid tanning if the burns are less than a year old as it may cause more extensive pigmentation changes. Use sunscreen on the area for at least a year..

For Major Burns

For all major burns seek medical care as soon as possible. Until an emergency unit arrives, do the following :

  • Be sure that the cause of the burn has been eliminated
  • Don't remove burnt clothing.
  • Cover the burned region with a cool, moist, sterile bandage; clean, moist cloth; or moist towels.
  • Don't immerse large severe burns in cold water, since doing so could cause shock.
  • Check for signs of circulation (breathing, coughing or movement). If THERE IS NON begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Raise the burned body part or parts above heart level, when possible make sure not to CAUSE any further damage if you are not sure leave the affected part as it is .

For chemical Burns.

Most of these accidents cause only first-degree burns.But it is always advised to seek medical help in chemical burn because it can be deceiving.Some agents can cause deep tissue damage not readily apparent when you first look at it.So follow these instructions:

Make sure the cause of the burn has been removed. Try not to come in contact with it yourself .For liquid chemicals use cold, running water to completely flush chemicals off your body. For powder chemical , such as lime, use a brush to remove it gently from the skin before flushing with water.If you still have a burning sensation after washing the area with cold water, flush the area for another several minutes with cold, running water.

Cover the burned region with a clean cloth or a dry, sterile gauze bandage..

If a chemical comes into contact with your eyes, flush your eyes with water immediately for at least 20 minutes, THEN seek medical care with someone's assistance.

Minor chemical burns will generally heal without further treatment. However, if there is a second or third degree burn (the skin has blisters covering an area more than 3 inches in diameter) or if there is a systemic (overall body) reaction, get medical help immediately. In severe cases, don't leave the victim alone and watch carefully for systemic reactions. [B]For electrical Burns[/B] [HTML3456]

All electrical burns should be evaluated by a physician as the electrical burns can sometimes result in an irregular heart beat.

Be careful not to touch the person as long as they are near the source of the burn washed with large amounts of cool water.

Wrap the burned region with a clean cloth
What are first aid solutions to treat skin burns at home? What are first aid solutions to treat skin burns at home? Reviewed by Armando Nevarez on June 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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