The Cartilage Types And Functions

Cartilage serves as a support for the body and if compressed, can resume its original shape. It is composed of a matrix which includes collagen, poviding its flexibility and strength. Cartilage is avascular (contains no blood vessels) so heals slowly after injury.

There are three many different types of cartilage - hyaline, elastic and fibrocartilage. Hyaline is the most abundant type of cartilage and can be found in the costal cartilage of ribs (see my ribs blog), nasal cartilages, and as articular, or ‘joint’ cartilage lining the bones in joints, for example, in the knee.

Elastic cartilage is in the ear, and many tubes throughout the body. Fibrocartilage (or white cartilage) is a specialised type of cartilage found in areas requiring tough support or great tensile strength, such as between intervertebral disks, and at sites connecting tendons or ligaments to bones
The Cartilage Types And Functions The Cartilage Types And Functions Reviewed by Armando Nevarez on July 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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