Women are at greater risk for heart disease

I WILL FOCUS ON HEART diseases in women because most of the people thinks that women are at less risk to die from heart disease ,but this is not true.

Women are at danger for heart disease and heart attacks, just similar to men. In fact, heart disease is the leading cause of death among women over the age of 65 years. American women, from 4 to 6 times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer. Heart disease kills more women over the age of 65 years from all types of cancer combined. The status of women from heart problems later in life than men - typically 7 or 8 years. However, the age of 65 years, the risk is almost the same in women and men.

The danger of heart disease in women is that women is having less chance of surviving after a heart attack than men. No one knows why. It may be that women do not seek or receive treatment as soon as men do. . Doctors are working to find answers to these questions. There is no doubt, however, it is logical to prevent heart problems before they begin

The other danger of heart diseases in women that they could present with totally different presentation or even silent which my delay or most of the time lead totally wrong diagnosis like anxiety.For example, heart attacks in women may be "silent" (without Chest pain that often heralds a heart attack in men)

For that women should be aware of the heart attack symptoms and should seek as soon as possible . The Classic Symptoms ARE: Squeezing chest pain or pressure ,Shortness of breath , Sweating, Tightness in chest ,Pain spreading to shoulders, neck or arm, Feeling of heartburn or indigestion with or without nausea and vomiting, Sudden dizziness or brief loss of consciousness. Symptoms More Likely in Women indigestion or gas-like pain ,dizziness, nausea or vomiting, unexplained weakness, fatigue, Discomfort/pain between shoulder blades, recurring chest discomfort , sense of impending doom. So for women they should be To be proactive in putting forward this matter for discussion. Talking with their doctor or gynecologist regularly your heart health. Requested a comprehensive assessment of heart disease and risk factors: family history, and cholesterol - in particular, LDL, and is believed to be cholesterol triglycerides - glucose (blood sugar) and blood pressure, smoking history, weight, pressure, and exercise. If you have risk factors, develop a plan with your doctor to reduce or eliminate or reduce them.

If you experience any of the symptoms that could be a heart attack or if you saw someone with those symptoms ,call the emergency number in your area immediately and call for an ambulance. Do not attempt to drive yourself as only paramedics and trained fire department personnel have the necessary equipment to revive you if your heart has stopped beating. Give the patient one aspirin to chew. get to the hospital as soon as possible because the longer a heart attack is untreated, the more your heart will be badly damaged.
Women are at greater risk for heart disease Women are at greater risk for heart disease Reviewed by Armando Nevarez on June 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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