What hiccups have to do with heart disease

All of us experience bouts of hiccups . But the hiccups we will talk about today are different from that benign ones we get it on occasions after eating fast . For some people, they are continuous that can cause fatigue, weight loss, insomnia, and irregular heartbeat, depression.

How do we hiccup
Most often are reaction caused by food , that causes a diaphragm to develop an involuntary spasmodic contractions against a closed glottis which make sure the inflow of air and produces the distinctive sounds.

What are abnormal hiccups?
Hiccups that last more than 48 hours .These hiccups may be a sign of disease and cause problems of their own, Although it is rare.

There are yet very rare reports of hiccups leading to death. The most famous is that of Pope Pius XII in 1958 whose death was broadly described to be associated to intractable hiccups. However, he evidently suffered from recurrent gastritis, which itself could have aggravated continuous troublesome hiccups, and he finally past away of strokes and pneumonia.

Hiccup in heart disease?!
First of all ,hiccups doesn't cause heart disease. It is the opposite arteriosclerosis heart disease, or heart attack can cause a hiccups attack, although this is extremely rare for heart attack to present as a hiccups, it happens because the contraction of the diaphragm are caused by stimulation of the vagus (Nerves inside the chest ) nerve, so any irritation along its course, the vagus nerve send signals to the diaphragm to contact.

Sometime after heart surgery, prolonged hiccups occur, because the inflammation around the diaphragm after the surgery. this the inflammation resolves in few days and the hiccups most likely will never come back .

Some heart medication can cause hiccups like digoxin, so if the patient having continuous hiccups it is important to check the medications and to consult the physician to change it .

In most of heart conditions, sudden constant hiccups are probably OK, it depend in how advance is the disease . In rare cases constant hiccups can cause the heart with a clot inside to shower an emboli to various body parts like the brain causing a stroke.

Did all that scared the hiccups out of you!

Hiccups are a normal and common experience. If you had them , the chances are excellent that your hiccup will soon pass no matter what you do.
What hiccups have to do with heart disease What hiccups have to do with heart disease Reviewed by Armando Nevarez on June 25, 2019 Rating: 5

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